Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Is it normal to sign a contract with some untruths in it if lawyer says to?

I didn't sue the man who raped me to avoid further emotional harm and to preserve my privacy considering he's well known and pressure from my attorney to settle. I finally agreed to settle to get money to pay for medical treatment I'm undergoing for physical harm he did but the contract drafted by the raper's attorney states I agree to not take it to court to avoid financial costs. I told my lawyer that's not true, that I've said a million times it's to avoid risk if public leaking and to avoid further trauma by being grilled by his team of lawyers. There are other "minor" info in the contract I'm not comfortable with. I had signed a basic version after which the raper cut a check to my lawyer and he deposited it into his company acct with my permission bit now he says he won't cut my portion (minus his fees he collected) until I sign the contract full of untruths, calling them boilerplate in legal speak. For ex it also says if I leak anything I can be sued for unspecified amounts difficult to calculate but my lawyer said it won't be more than the amount they're paying me when that's not what it says. I'm feeling pressured to accept all of it and feel my lawyer doesn't really care now that he's paid or whatever. Do I just shut up and sign the lies? It seems wrong and I don't know what to do.

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