Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to become a Guardian Ad Litem?

I am very interested in the court system (though I do think it can be messed up presently lol), and think being a paralegal or a GAL would be something very interesting for myself. What steps would I need to take in preparation for following through in becoming a Guardian Ad Litem. (I once had a GAL, and I just think he stunk so badd and I am inspired to better than he.) What high school courses can and should I take? What college courses would be good to take? I might become an attorney, so from there it would be easy, but if I just wanted to start out as a GAL, what would I do. Also, how much money do GAL's make? I know mine made reallly good money, but he was also a lawyer. If I started as a GAL before I was an attorney, approximately how much could I make???

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