Friday, March 11, 2011


Why doesn't a court order signed by a judge ordering the deadbeat so called father of my children consistently get away (for over 20 years now) to pay thousands in unpaid child support arrearages?? I have been fighting the system for over 20 plus years now to get some action, I have documentation (years worth from child support enforcement, .I am constantly told that because he has never worked a day in his life that there is nothing that can be done to collect what my children deserve. So pretty much the court order is not worth the paper it is printed on. At the last hearing for contempt (that I filed) he told the judge that he collects cans for money and lives off his mothers credit card (a 54 year old man) , and that he was in school to become a nurse(a lie) The judge told him at that hearing that he wants to see a nursing certificate of some sort to prove it (never happened) . He is to inherit millions off a trust fund when his mother passes. Very wealthy family. I've been told that a trust fund cannot be attached and the judge told me as well as did the child support division in San Bernardino County that they cannot force him to get a job to pay back money. The system is broken. Where do I go from here ?(20 years later) I cannot afford an attorney, what good would it do anyway . Does a child support enforcement order ever expire. I am just trying to get my kids what they deserved. By the way - the court only ordered my ex to pay 140.00 a month for the 2 kids when we divorced and he claimed he could not because he had no job. Any advice would be most appreciated. T

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