Saturday, March 12, 2011
How can i file for a divorce?
I need to file for a divorce asap..what are the first steps to doing this..I need a lot of help and guidance..please dont tell me get an attorney!thank you
Is there a Pokemon card that is worth a good amount of money?
I know the prices are very low but I was wondering if there was a card that sells for a good price?
Question about the rarity of yugioh cards?
What does it mean when the rarity of the card says structure deck?
Are the "iGame" videocards from Colorful good or just LOOK good?
I am going to build a new rig soon and I was thinking about one or two GTX 560 or one GTX 580, havent decided yet. I found these iGame videocards with a wicked awesome looking design and I was like OMG thats my new video card lol... But then I started to think that its not that much more expensive from the reference model but the looks does not even similar so is it really better or its just eye candy? Oh yeah and I havent found any proper reviews of them... Opinions?
Why did Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer launch a series of raids against suspected communists?
i need a detail answer please.
How can i become a lawyer in the United States? im an attorney in mexico?
first you would have to determine if the state you want to reside in will accept your law degree, highly unlikely as the Laws in MX are different than the US, secondly you have to take the Bar exam in all 50 states to become an attorney, yes you can be be an attorney in the army they are part of JAG corp
Was this clearly job discrimination. (I'm pregnant)?
many states and many medical practices do require the test to be done. it is possible that the particular agency you are seeking employment at just are truely unaware of what your state laws are. give them another day, call them and ask whats going on. if they try to tell you that it is required or any other crap like that, let them know the info that you've been told and by who, and then tell them you will be talking to an attorney about it. then hire one.
How do I deal with my mother in law after her HUGE lie?
One day at a time
The best degree to earn and jobs outlook for 2014-2020?
Would you be interested in working in a bank? Or maybe doing payroll for a business? If so, Finance or Accounting would be good for you. Business would also be good and then you can get your MBA. With that, you can open your own business, manage a business, etc. Consider economics also. That might give you more options. Hope that helps some!
I want know my SBI account num..i have ATM Card .?
Please have a look at your bank passbook. You will get your account no.
Where can I watch sundays at tiffany's online?
I've been trying to find it online but can't find one that doesn't require you to become a member or whatever (I already tried youtube). I even looked on t.v and on demand both were no good :( and we no longer have a blockbuster cuze they ran outta business over a year ago. Anyone know a good site?
Why is iTunes saying my credit card is invalid when it's now?
I can't buy any songs or update my apps because it said there was a problem with my credit card. But there isn't a problem? Helppp
Settled a law suit, have not paid.?
I sued a debt collector and settled out of court. They were suppose to make payment by 12/30/10, and did not. My attorney took them back to court and got a court order to pay by 1/21/11, again they ignored the court order and have not paid. Now my lawyer is telling me he will get a judgment against them next week, which will give us more power to force them to pay--can someone explain that, and what are my chances of actually getting paid?
Is there suck thing as power of attorney over a child when there 19 years old?
My girlfriend has a bad situation with her mom at home and her mom said that she couldn't do what she wanted or move out because she has power of attorney over her medical stuff and she is 19 years old and her mom said your age doesn't matter. Is that true or is her mom just telling lies because i have never herd of something like that were if you have control over there medical stuff you have control over them.
A prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman, to the stand. He approached her and asked, “Mrs. Jones, do you know me?” She responded, “Why, yes, I do know you Mr. Williams. I’ve known you since you were a young boy. And frankly, you’ve been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you re a rising big shot when you haven’t the brains to realize you never will amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.” The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do he pointed across the room and asked, “Mrs. Williams, do you know the defense attorney?” She again replied, “Why, yes I do. I’ve known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. I used to baby-sit him for his parents. And he, too, has been a real disappointment to me. He’s lazy, bigoted, he has a drinking problem. The man can’t build a normal relationship with anyone and his law practice is one of the shoddiest in the entire state. Yes, I know him.” At this point, the judge rapped the courtroom to silence and called both counselors to the bench. In a very quiet voice, he said with menace, “If either of you asks her if she knows me, you ll be jailed for contempt!”
Was he here for a better life Illegal alien pleads guilty to rape was he here for better life?
Mexico should give her 25 million if they expect our country to fork over the same amount for breaking their laws as well. Mexican government encourages illegal immigration so they bear the responsibility of the consequences.
High School Classes to take to help Major in Business or Engineering in College?
Math through calculus is definitely a plus and will help in either. Physics for engineering, and it is good for overall logical reasoning. Of course all the science you can take (natural sciences would be good if you have).
How do I get apps on my Samsung Solstice via Bluetooth thing on my computer?
I have this little thing that I plug into the computer so I can get things on my phone from the computer and I also have an SD card on my phone that I can put in the computer. I don't have a data plan and internet is restricted for my phone. can someone tell me how to get apps on my phone. I would do anything for at least a couple of apps on my phone.
How much longer for my package to come?!?
What Is " In transit: on time." i ordered a packadge. yesterday it was ordered and on my UPS tracking thing it says ''one (1) business day left'' scheduled delivery Thursday, 1-27-11 (By end of the day) is it really only one more business day left? what does it mean by end of day> helpp plzz
Replace social security card?
I have lost my social security card. How do I get it replaced
Degree/Concentration Question?
No, probably not. A concentration is a few classes, not a major or minor, so going to another school just to take those classes won't get you another degree, or really anything.
Cons- aside from cutting govt, how do we revive the economy?
We need a huge industrial economic engine. whether private corporations, or the govt doesn't I don't much care. We need new roads, transportation, rails, efficiency homes, clean energy, I don't care what it is, it needs to happen. Why not use our centralized government to orchestrate this instead of just cutting all our programs and hoping business will just solve it for everyone. By letting govt lead, we can be assured of a holistic approach.
Immigration attorney accused of fraud I thought fraud was legal if it was for a better life laws do not apply?
I was in the exact same difficulty a while back. see all the advice on links first and eighth on
Trade Mark - How do I know its filed?
My TM attorney says my TM was safely filed yesterday but a search on IP Australia is not showing my TM? How can I check its been filed? I understand this is nothing to do with its final acceptance.
Drivers ed driving test?
Exactly how hard is the actual driving test? like how picky are they? Im pretty good at driving considering I used to park cars at an impound business my dad owns. and I 80% of the driving i've done was in MINNESOTA snow (10+ feet tall snow banks on the edge of the roads). I once did a corner that had ice and slush on it that everyone was spinning out on and I was the only one not to.
In Texas, can a non-parental parent leave the State in the middle of a custody battle.?
My Son has legal physical custody of his 2 children and is in the middle of a "horrible" custody battle. The Mother is mentally ill and is her own attorney. The Judge has ordered her to have a Psychiatric Eval for the court within the next 60 days. Upon returning to the court with the Evaluation she has to begin paying child support. She has bought a bus ticket and is leaving the state (saying she is going to go to Az to visit and to help her sister). This is an excuse to not get her Evaluation again. What happens when we appear at our next hearing and she is not there?? We have no set date for this hearing yet. Does it just go "on-hold" ?? She has not let the Court know of her plans. Thanks for any input.
How go are my computer spec? Would I be able to play.....?
with those parts you should be able to play most of things at their highest or at least one of the highest settings available. the only thing im not sure of is you CPU, because im not familiar in AMD chips. But everything else is great.
If you have credit card debt?
And you decide to renounce the world and live in the woods like Jeremiah Johnson, or you die trying. Can the debt go to a brother or parents? cause that would suck
Jacka** teacher won't believe me!?
that doesn't sound like much to me. just wait until you get in the Seminary it will get worse.
If ur spouse said this, how would u interpret it?
my husband and i have been fighting non stop for 3 days now. the other day he told me that if talking doesnt change me, he knows many other ways to make me change and do things. i took that as a threat, but he told me it wasnt. he meant he would just ignore me. im right to consider that as a threat, right? im done with counseling and crap, im calling an attorney this week....wouldnt others consider that a threat?
Friday, March 11, 2011
I need all kinda of facts about being against anti capital punishment?
I am against capital punishment because it costs about 3 times more to implement the death penalty than it does to keep somebody in prison for life. Death row inmates are very expensive. They are kept in separate quarters and have costly appeals.
History and American Citizenship- How many of you would agree...?
No, we don't exile people in this country.
Had an argument with my bf's mom?
So here's wat happen I was using my bf's gma's phone out of her bedroom because the battery life is high an all the other phone's have low battery we need to replace the batteries but anywho after his gma came downstair's to complain to my bf about her phone missing I get extremely upset because his gma complains about every single thing I do I ended up shouting out am sick n' tired of getting treated like shyt how about you "shut the **** up stop complaining over the stupidest things" . Then all of the sudden my bf's mom spoke up saying whatever you seem to do is annoying to us an I tell her I think the complaining is plain ridicious it is't over anything serious whatsoever at all that's when she said you don't have any respect for yourself I been supporting you for 2 years you haven't found a job yet you quit everything you start really insulting me so I replied an said you got that all wrong because I do respect myself just people like you your mom an sometimes your son disrespects me an I was raise to treat others the same way as they treat me so if you don't like it o well then she says if you don't like the rules you can pack up your stuff an leave because we both know you don't want to be here an then I said well if you *****'s wouldn't be up my *** 24/7 talking shyt about me then maybe we would get along now would we an then I wouldn't want to move back to my hometown then I added I didn't quit school they discontinued the classess because one of the teacher's quit so before you open your big mouth an say something you have no idea what your talking about try Knowing' the facts an the only reason I haven't found a job is because in this hispanic area no one will hire me without a GED so that's wat I need to achieve so here's wat you need to do ms.know it all keep your opinions to yourself an mind your own ****** business.
Why doesn't a court order signed by a judge ordering the deadbeat so called father of my children consistently get away (for over 20 years now) to pay thousands in unpaid child support arrearages?? I have been fighting the system for over 20 plus years now to get some action, I have documentation (years worth from child support enforcement, .I am constantly told that because he has never worked a day in his life that there is nothing that can be done to collect what my children deserve. So pretty much the court order is not worth the paper it is printed on. At the last hearing for contempt (that I filed) he told the judge that he collects cans for money and lives off his mothers credit card (a 54 year old man) , and that he was in school to become a nurse(a lie) The judge told him at that hearing that he wants to see a nursing certificate of some sort to prove it (never happened) . He is to inherit millions off a trust fund when his mother passes. Very wealthy family. I've been told that a trust fund cannot be attached and the judge told me as well as did the child support division in San Bernardino County that they cannot force him to get a job to pay back money. The system is broken. Where do I go from here ?(20 years later) I cannot afford an attorney, what good would it do anyway . Does a child support enforcement order ever expire. I am just trying to get my kids what they deserved. By the way - the court only ordered my ex to pay 140.00 a month for the 2 kids when we divorced and he claimed he could not because he had no job. Any advice would be most appreciated. T
Will I have to pay alot of taxes and will I get anything back?
You not only can, you are legally required to report all that income, whether you have receipts or not. You were required to keep records of your income and expenses. Doesn't matter that you weren't incorporated, you aren't required to be, so no there's no penalty for not incorporating. You don't submit copies of your receipts, but keep them in case the IRS asks to see them.
Should I stay in my marriage?
I am married 11 years but am not happy. I have 3 young children ages 5-9. I am not fulfilled by my husband. I want to leave the marriage but I have no where to go. I am a stay at home mom with a home business. My mother will not support me in any way even though she could if she wanted. She doesn't want the burden. I have no one else. NO other family or friends. I don't know if I left and went through the hell of leaving if I would find someone else out there who was more compatible with me. My husband and I both love our children but argue over little things. We should never had gotten married. We are two very different people. He is laid back and passive aggressive and I am more outgoing and love to enjoy life. I really want someone who is passionate about life who would make me smile and happy. My husband brings me down. He is a bit of a manic depressive. His mother is like that and I don't think he knows how to be happy. He is a real downer. Before I married him I had tons of friends and enjoyed life and had tons of laughs. Now I am so bored and lonely. When he is in the house, I can't wait for him to leave for work. I just want to be alone. He also hangs around the house all the time. I never have an empty house. He goes to work at night and is gone only when I sleep. When I wake up he is there all the time. I feel smothered. I like my alone time and feel like I am losing my mind with him home around all the time. Should I leave for maybe something more passionate or am I dreaming and should stay in my stable marriage?
Do you believe the concept that: "poor people use credit cards: rich people use cash"?
A visa/ mastercard check card comes from your own checking account which can be used to pay for hotels, gas and car rentals, other than that do we really need credit cards?
How much would an attorney cost?
On a 1st degree assault case? For the trial and everything? Any answers would be appreciated. THanks!
Are my grades bad......?
Your grades are ok, pretty good. Just try to raise the D, C, and B and you'll have straight A's :D
Where can I find a job description for a public criminal defense attorney?
The importance of the services provided by criminal defense attorneys is very well known to people who have been dragged into the court of law and accused for committing crimes. If you are thinking about the criminal defense attorney job description; it may vary according to factors such as the client, case and the circumstances.
Driving with a suspended license in Georgia?
Unless you have a good lawyer it's possible you can go to jail right then unless they reschedule your court date.
What takes presidence 30 years of wills or quick claim deed?
The Quit Claim deed if it was signed after the will.{}
How do you get a girl to dump her boyfriend?
How do you get a girl to dump her boyfriend and get with you? Should I play the friend card and be really nice or should I just show her the unit?
What to do when my ex stops paying her part of the debt?
We were married and the divorce declared we split the debt in half. Well in April of last year she contacts me and says she isn't paying her part anymore because she has a new baby and doesn't have the money. Long story short, we agree that she'd send in her engagement ring which was rightfully mine anyway since she broke up with me, to help cover part of the debt. I've been paying on the bill since April because it'll effect my credit. But she paid on the bill for over two years proving she was supposed to pay that. Now, she calls me, says she pulled her credit report and thinks it says I hadn't paid on the bill since June. Well, I never knew she was on the credit card to begin with. She says she is buying a house. She left me with a 8000 bill when I have my own debt from our marriage I'm paying off. In Kansas, small claims court is 4000. I can't afford an attorney at all. What should I do?
Eftpos machine says swipe again once paid..?
so i havnt been working at my job for that long but i know all the ropes and everything and this has happned three times now and the boss is pissed off. so i serve this man and finalise it like normal and he wants to pay on eftpos and that goes through normal to then i asked if he wanted any cash out and he said $20 and i put tthat in the screen like normal then i was about to finalise everything and print the receipt when the little screen came up for eftpos again and i was confussed but the man just swiped and paid again because i thought the card must not have worked and needed another go. then when i typed in how much money he wanted again it worked but then the screen went ****** and said he owed whatever the total was and i called the supervisor and she just typed in the total and it wouldnt let us do anything! it was really weird and look like half an hour to fix and the man ended up getting charged twice. i seriously have no clue what happned has this ever happned before? or do you know whats wrong!? my boss is pissed with me
Why does my laptop keep shutting off when i play certain video games?
Maybe your hardware is not compatible with the game.Check the readme file for the game.Or just ask your warranty guys.It should not shut off on it's own ever.
Yes, as long as it's the same companies phone. That's why I wish i had a SIM card phone, if your friend has a AT&T phone, and so do you, you just swap SIM cards and then you just traded phones and all the info like contacts,.... Lol boo verizon
Can someone please help me?
Report cards came out and i failed social studies. I need to go to summer do i tell my mom?
Support America, but not Americans?
The only word I saw was American and it turned me off. Sorry.
Custody and child support help PLEASE?
I took my child's father to court for child support after almost 3 years and when we first went he surprised me with an attorney and I got intimidated and settled for a small amount then I went back the next month for an increase and I filed for custody and I received a paper saying he filed for custody also and he said my house is unsafe and unstable(I live with my dad who makes a crap load of money being a cop,how much more safe and stable can she get? ) I work,ive never been arrested,i dont do drugs and i take great care of my child and every one knows that. I think its crazy that all of a sudden when he has to pay more money he tries to file for custody won't the judge see right through that and know that he's only doing it so he doesn't have to pay?
Is dark magician of chaos a hard to find yugioh card?
no, its banned anyways
Should i put nicole tozier photos or nicole tozier photography on my buisness cards?
Photography sounds better
I'm a collector. Can I be sued personally?
I'd advise you to stop working there. Collectors annoy the hell out of people and you could get sued.
Would this video card work with this pc?
Yes, the NVIDIA GeForce 7900GS 256MB DDR3 PCI Express (PCI-E) Dual DVI Video Card w/TV-Out will work with a Dell Optiplex 745 SDT that comes with a Intel� Graphics Media Accelerator 3000 or PCI Express x16 graphics card.
What are the typical fees for an attorney and closing on a house in Virginia?
The house we are looking at buying is a single family home in Goochland, Va. My husband and I are first time home buyers. We are not going through a Realtor or bank, the owner is financing the house for us. What is the typical fee for an attorney and for closing costs?
What do you think about this?
Ok so I lost my iPhone 4 at a bar on Monday. Checked Tue and today (Wed) to see if it was there and it was not. Only thing that confuses me is why whenever I call it, it still goes straight to voicemail meaning no one tried charging it (all it needs is an iPod cord and many people have those). And also you can't change the sim card on an iPhone anyway. Oh and it's in an Otterbox and if it works as it should, probably protected the phone.
What to do about the accident I was in?
these company's are never going to talk to policy is wait for the lawyers/if you dont get lawyer you get no results/they dont have to talk to you
How much does it cost for an ABN and to register an online business in Australia?
I am opening an online retail store, and am looking into registering the name and getting an ABN, how much does it cost to set all this side up?
Budget peformance laptop?
Ok so im interested in playing newer games like crysis 2 and 1, all the call of dutys and possible mw2, fallout 3 goty and new vegas, battlefield bad company 2, etc are the games i wanna play. If your a pc gamer like me you would know that most of these games either require dirextx 10 or 11 and shader model 3.0-4.0 and a decent cpu and amount of ram. Im looking for a budget laptop that could play most of these games on medium-high settings, nothing realy special. Something simple with a decent gfx card and good processor which is quad or duo with something good like high 2. ghz or low 3 ghz. And the most important part is it needs to b fully upgradeable with nothing Integrated so i can just pop in a new gfx card, processor, or ram. I was interested in a toshiba Satellite but there are just so many different models and laptops on the market im confused. The budget im looking for is about 400 dollars and maybe just maybe mid-low 500s if its something really special. I know this is a very specific and picky request but if any one bought a laptop like this or knows a great website that takes all those choices organizes them that would be great.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I need a good Video card compatible with my AM3 MOBO, any suggests?
Radeon HD 5770. It works, well for me, plays Crysis on medium/high at 25-30 FPS. To me, this is one of the best cards, for it's price. This is of course, if your PC has a 250-400+W power supply. Make sure you don't have a slimline, or micro ATX tower...any card is a pain, when it comes to those. To answer your question, yes, it's a decent mobo.
If I filed a complaint against an attorney and the result was him being disbarred, would that effect the case?
Asking if it would effect the case in which the complaint was filed against him on. Like would it bring that case back to square one? if what he was disbarred for had an effect on the outcome of the case?
What is the role of the assistant US attorneys?
They do the same as the u.s. attorney, except that they do not supervise the assistants.
Can the a past due credit card garnish wages/bank accounts without notice?
i have a friend who has just called me crying stating that the citi bank took all the funds they had out of bank of america..apx 1000 .................. in which they were going to use for mortage car pay etc....they have been unemployed for three years now due to a lay off and this was the last of her money... citi bank has already put a lien on her home, is it legal for the credit card company to just ganish all funds without notice?
Jason Diamond Ticket Attorney?
Is he a good attorney I got a ticket and need to know if he is any good please help if you live in the south flo region.
My question is very simple. If it's 8:00 pm in the U S, what time is it in Australia?
I have a business transaction with someone there and don't want to bother them at the wrong hour. Thank you!
28 year old brother taking over my laptop?
Long and boring question.
Under these circumstances....Is this the right thing to do....?
i think you are smart part of picking you battles is picking the timing and i am worried about your recovery right now you don't need to take on more drama till the dust has settled from the last drama you have been in
I just finished high school and am planning to become a Veterinarian. How do I go about this? Will you tell me the process you had to take to become a Vet and if it has benefited you? I am planning on opening a Dog Shelter and want to become a Vet for financial issues and to start the business and to also take care of the animals instead of hiring a Veterinarian. Please, some assistance would be appreciated.
My mother has passed leaving a will saying who gets what. Does this have to go through probate court?
Go to it may be helpful to you. Maybe they can give you good legal Advice.
Cant download my drivers cause its not compatible with win7?
ok i have an nvidia 6600 video card and i want to download the driver for it but when i do it says its not compatible with windows7, what do i do? i have to download the driver and im not gonna buy a windows xp just to download the driver. please help
A recently deceased person owns 25% in deed only of a house in Florida.?
The house is currently under foreclosure proceedings although due to current housing problems our attorney is managing to prolong the process. It may be another year before the foreclosure is satisfied. The question I have is HOW does a probate effect the foreclosure as the deceased had a 25% ownership in deed only. Her 25% goes to me (her daughter) and I already have 25% ownership in deed only. The other 50% owner is the only one on the mortgage. HELP!
Why cant i get on the internet?
just put a new hard drive in my laptop and re installed windows 7. I have a built in wireless card and all the software came installed from the factory. Usually I have no problem locating my wireless connection and many others but now it shows no connections. I have charter internet and a wireless router from linksys. What is the problem do I need some type of software installed from my internet provider or linksys ? Again I don't have any of the original programs from toshiba since I did a clean sweep to install windows. Please help me if you have any ideas. Thanks
Custody and child support help PLEASE?
I took my child's father to court for child support after almost 3 years and when we first went he surprised me with an attorney and I got intimidated and settled for a small amount then I went back the next month for an increase and I filed for custody and I received a paper saying he filed for custody also and he said my house is unsafe and unstable(I live with my dad who makes a crap load of money being a cop,how much more safe and stable can she get? ) I work,ive never been arrested,i dont do drugs and i take great care of my child and every one knows that. I think its crazy that all of a sudden when he has to pay more money he tries to file for custody won't the judge see right through that and know that he's only doing it so he doesn't have to pay?
Does anyone know of a good estate planning attorney in Seattle, Washington?
I am looking for an estate planning attorney who can also do probate work in Seattle, Washington. I prefer that it is someone who has a fresh perspective, charges a reasonable rate, and is great at keeping clients informed. I need either a will or a trust, but I also need to administer my father's probate. Please, only serious answers!
Help with college/medical school planning-?
hmm..u do have a good gpa.... well try going for john hopkins medical cause i am about the same age as u.. ok try improving your resume. umm try going to extra curriculums more often. for example i have a 3.9 gpa, a 2300 sat score, i voluntered in my local hospitcal i have all ap classes i play tennis as a competitive sport and i tend to go to concerts and perform my violin skills etc i took many extra curriculums outside of school like programming video games,robots,lego robots etc. try going for extra curriculums cause when u apply for a college u have to stand out and be more superior from others
Is my dad doing as badly (financially) as he says he is?
How spoiled. Try earning your own money.
How to sue social service?
C.P.S.of social services conducted a interview, the lady went on holiday vacation but before leaving told the assumed father NOT to have any contact what so ever with my 2year old granddaughter.The day before she returned his attorney had a herring that the judge even tho he is a convicted sex offender and under new investigation for sex crimes gave him 50/50 with him having the child more custody. No one from Social services showed up in court to represent the 2 year old. After she returned, she stated that he refused to contact her. Him and his mother took the child to Children` s hospital to have her examined making false statements of sexual abuse.The court ordered 50/50 on medical decisions yet they lied at hospital stating father had sole custody.His mother stated that there was blood in dipper yet gave child bath before taking her to hospital E.R. There was Not enough evidence for police to file a case and doctor even stated that it unable to state abuse had even taken place. Cps had father move from mothers stopped visitation from mother seeing her at all. Child's grandmother has custody even tho state does not allow that, But CPS treatments to put child in foster home, and states that I must take polygraph test that police refuse to give because no charges- refuses to let mother see child till test is given testing cost 6 to 900.00, I am on disability, all statements by father against me police have contacted and know there lies. Father claims to have DNA from before baby borne yet even tho court and CPS have been told that it is one he forged will NOT CHECK IT. I have never had any sex charges- he is a convicted and under new investigation-police took over 3,000.00 of his P.C`s that are being gone through by police & FBI. yet CPS refuses to pay for testing and holds my granddaughter hostage- it would take 1/2 to 90% of my check making it impossible to pay rent/by dippers and things for child food stamps does not cover.
Tell me how any of this makes sense?
This guy i am dating currently is brand new to the country. He is african. I have african parents but raised in the USA so i don't know what life is like over there and what to expect culturally for the men. He is all like how African Americans are lazy and all stupid stuff. Talking about some women were asking him for liquor early in the morning. I put two and two together and i thought to myself.. How the heck would you know a person asked you for liquor early in the morning if you did not venture into the wrong neighborhood? I personally do understand there are people out there to screw the government and to milk every man they can out there for child support but don't you think what i am saying is true? I mean like how the heck would you know that a person drinks liquor during the day if you did not venture into a neighborhood where you have no business being in the first place. All suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
How can you hide your music, movies, books, interests, etc on facebook?
I will be graduating from college in a few months and will be going on my externship soon at a law firm. I have been told my several of my professors that attorney's look at everything on you including facebook. I would like to hide my music, movies, books, interest, etc from a prospective employer (aka someone who is not my friend on fb), is this possible? Thank you!!!
Trying to get my property back from the sheriffs dept?
I went today to court to see if I could get my property back and the District Attorney needed more time to prepare. Do I have to give them more time to prepare or can I disagree and make them make a decision?
Why is it harder for someone with a green Card to find a job in the US?
I come from the UK and have wanted to live in america for so long, but it seems impossible for any company to take my qualifications, education or work experience seriously, and i want to know why?
Going to a bar alone in a foreign country.. would it be strange?
I don't think it would be strange. As long as you have the confidence, you should be fine.
I have just started my business in Photography and Film making and looking for more ideas to boost income?
Ah...only one of the many benefits of shooting for me. Try doing events...Little League teams (or other kids' sports)...birthday/bachelorette parties...bands...use your imagination.
College interview outfit help!?
I have an interview for a scholarship tomorrow with a college alumni. I know that most people dress business-like for these kinds of things, but my interview is at a coffee shop. Should I dress it down (but still look nice) or go more formal?
You can't buy citizenship?
This is america were the dollar is god. If OJ Simpson & Micheal Jackson could buy not guilty verdicts dont you think someone could buy thier citizenship.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Since no private business can do it by themselves, should the Goverment have an Apollo project for our railway?
Since we are woefully far behind in transportation adding billions to cost of goods. Wouldn't be a wise move to invest in our future with a high speed Rail system built mainly with Government support but also using private industry, same as the Apollo mission. The benifits would outweigh the costs which would also create perhaps a million new jobs. Are many now wondering about our future and our infrastructure for our children and being able to compete with the Chinese?
Where can I find a complete list of vendors for the Bloomington, Indiana farmers' market?
I'm just curious. I'd like to research people's farms and businesses so I can make more informed decisions when shopping at the farmers' market.
Help please need advice on this?
i'm doing a side project for a class assignment. basically going through the process of starting a business. whats a good idea to start a sample business with? like how should it function service or sales. what service and sale what please help.
I am so stressed and upset!?
I am an eighth grade student and I am a perfectionist. I cannot even stand getting a 90%. However, I got a 74% on my fractions unit test! I was so upset that I can't go to sleep and I am never happy. I have this weird feeling and I am afraid that 74% is going to ruin everything! What's worse is that I got a 74% because on one of the questions, it said to order the fractions from least to greatest but I ordered them from greatest to least! I feel terrible about myself and my parents are going to be so disappointed when they see my fractions mark on my report card! I get in trouble for getting 90%...what will my mom say??!! I can't stand it anymore! My eyes are tearing too... I just wish this never happened. I am terrified and I can't even smile. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??
What score do i have to get on the ASVAB to get into Business and Administration in the USMC?
look on under minimum Marine ASVAB scores
What is the SAT score and GPA required to be accepted into Berkeley College (the Westchester Campus)?
I'm not going to that college, it's a part of my project for the business class I'm taking. Please help!
Why are libs suing taco bell? Did they really expect their beef to be 100% beef?
a href=""…/a
In fragile mental state: will someone please answer my question?
You need a break from everything, get away for a while if you have the time and try to assess the situation when some time has passed.
I need some advice on our living situation?
I will pray for you all.
Fallout 3 rescuing slaves?
I've already finished the quest for fallout 3 where you have to rescue little kid slaves from paradise falls, and I've also done the one where you have to capture some. I recently decided that I would like to rescue the slaves that recently captured through strictly business, but their cage requires a key. I tried killing all of the slavers, none of them had a key. How do you rescue them? Thanks :)
Can i negociate a car price since im paying it off with a credit card?
I got approved for a $30,000.00 on a credit card...can I negotiate with the dealer to lower it, since I'm practically paying cash for the vehicle??? ....example...for a 33000 car, just end up paying 26000 after negotiations
Can I transfer my Blackbarry contact list to my media card?
I have a Blackbarry and want to transfer or somehow export my contacts to my media card. Is there a simple function to do so?
Need help fast on yugioh cards?
I have a lot of cards I want to sell and I want to know how rare they are. I have 13 with a shiny background and gold lettering. I have 2 with a shiny background and silver lettering. I also have 3 with just a shiny background. I need help fast as I am putting them on ebay as soon as I find out. If you want to but them include that in you're answer.
Cannabis is currently the largest cash crop in the United States so has Prohibition failed?
Prohibition has nothing to do with mary jane
What to do about my parents and grades?
Well, 1st quarter I finished the class at 100 percent. But a lot of crap went on in the second. My OCD and ADD began acting up again, but I wouldn't tell anyone because they would punish me severely for it, even though they know it was serious, to where I went to therapy. Plus a lot of crap in personal life went on, and I finished with a 79 percent for second quarter. I got a 100 on the semester final, so I finished with an A for first semester, which is the only one that counts. But ,y parents said that when that report card comes back with a C for quarter, I will be grounded untill the end of summer (they will do it too, they did back in third grade). Well, I had two assignments that I turned in late at the beginig of this quarter, so they will be 50% (right now, since the teacher hasn't graded them, they are 0%). By the end of the week I, from other stuff, I will have an A again. But now, since they said I saw that coming last quarter, even though they forget that there were tons of home issues, they said if the assignments, regardless of my overall grade, are even 50%, I will stay grounded until 18 and have my stuff sold. From my sister, I know they will hold to this as well. I really am putting my foot down and trying now, but those will NEVER be higher than 50% because they were late. So I'm screwed. And this is a class that is both honors, and a class that I am not supposed to take until next year. It's not a cakewalk. I don't know what to do now though.
What the hell is a bail bond?
I have been charged with retail theft (less than $25 worth of items) and lying to the police about my information (obstructing theft). I am 20 and I live in Illinois. Last night I was taken down to the station after getting caught shoplifting, and they charged me with those two misdemeanors. They told me that the bail bond for the offenses has been set at $1500. What does this mean exactly? I wasn't sent to jail or anything. I have court in a month. Does this mean I am going to jail if I plead guilty? I have never been charged with retail theft before, but have been arrested for a small misconduct back when I was 16. Other than that my record was clean until last night. I am very worried of what's going to happen, and currently I have no job and can't afford an attorney. And I do not want my parents to find out about this, because I will surely get kicked out of the house. I am very sorry and truly regret what I have done. I just want another chance. So please help me out here instead of saying you're stupid or something, b/c I understand what i did was very very stupid.
Is it proper to poop when my roommate is home?
Um..yeah...if you gotta go then you gotta go....and where else you gonna go? Just remember to flush the toilet
Is it normal to sign a contract with some untruths in it if lawyer says to?
I didn't sue the man who raped me to avoid further emotional harm and to preserve my privacy considering he's well known and pressure from my attorney to settle. I finally agreed to settle to get money to pay for medical treatment I'm undergoing for physical harm he did but the contract drafted by the raper's attorney states I agree to not take it to court to avoid financial costs. I told my lawyer that's not true, that I've said a million times it's to avoid risk if public leaking and to avoid further trauma by being grilled by his team of lawyers. There are other "minor" info in the contract I'm not comfortable with. I had signed a basic version after which the raper cut a check to my lawyer and he deposited it into his company acct with my permission bit now he says he won't cut my portion (minus his fees he collected) until I sign the contract full of untruths, calling them boilerplate in legal speak. For ex it also says if I leak anything I can be sued for unspecified amounts difficult to calculate but my lawyer said it won't be more than the amount they're paying me when that's not what it says. I'm feeling pressured to accept all of it and feel my lawyer doesn't really care now that he's paid or whatever. Do I just shut up and sign the lies? It seems wrong and I don't know what to do.
Is yugioh card popularity fading or is it still rising?
rising my friend
Will these spec.s work good for WoW?
How do I decide who to give the power of attorney?
I am in need of choosing one. Please share your thought.
So,..what does a smart ad/PR exec. @ Taco Bell do now? Lay Low? Increase beef 15%?
a href=""…/a
College Help Please?!?!?!?
I am about to be in my junior year of college and I am majoring in Business Management. My question is what do most people do with this degree after they graduate? Is this a good degree to get? All help is appreciated!!!
My father wants me to see a psychiatrist because of my religious beliefs?
I'd print this out and offer it to your new counselor/psychologist.
My father supposedly signed a power of attorney while incapacitated what are my options?
My father had a stroke and is in the hospital and has no idea what he signed. Is it not void just because it was signed while he was incapacitated? BTW this is in the state of Alabama.
Which county officer estimates the value of property for tax purposes?
tax assessor
Whats a good small business to start?
I got a van from m inheritance from my great-uncle (the oldest gay person I ever knew) its a 1998 GMC Savanna nice van. Well anyways I am determined to start a small business. I am 16 and I need something that's profitable enough I can later higher a employee and still make a profit. I have always been a keen entrepreneur I used to do penny stocks with my cousin one time I bought 7 red bulls stayed up 2 days ad earned 800$ and a had a panic attack ever since then I cant stand to work them plus my mo refuses me to do it. So any ideas???
I can't decide what to go to school for, what are you doing?
I'm already an MA but I hate it. I want to do something completely different that doesn't involve the medical field at all. I'm not great at math so accounting is probably not a good choice. I would like to be in the business world, or art. I also enjoy writing. I just don't know what to do that I will love AND be able to support myself. Any ideas?
Is it illegal in the state of Oklahoma to..?
Close a bank account with out standing checks. I cannot find an answer on the internet. and my bankruptcy attorney doesn't know. Whom do you suggest I call. Please help. I am in a world of trouble and its all our stupid banks fault but infront of a court the banks always right please please please help!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Are there huge areas of land dedicated to composting in the U.S.?
Are there businesses doing this already?
When does theft become a felony in the State of Indiana?
no it would not be a felony and yes the cop can question you but it is your right not answer their questions when he starts to question you, tell him you will not answer any questions until your parents are present. the cop may try and trick you into talking to him. just repeat you will not talk to him or her until your parents are their. they cant make you talk to them.
Hosting a Website using Iweb?
I am working on a website for my friends family business. I am using Iweb on my Mac and I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to go about hosting the site with a server once I am finished? Once I am finished is it very difficult to post on the web? I really appreciate any help as I strongly hope I did not dig myself in a hole. Thank You
Moving out at age 18?
So my parents and I have been fighting a ton lately and When I turn 18 I want to move out. I already have a place to go and work 2 jobs so everything is taken care of. I was so excited to turn 18 (which is only a month away) and my mom said that they talked to their attorney today and he said it didn't matter if you were 18 or not, but you can't move out until you graduate high school? Is this true? Please help me, I live in Utah
How Much Is First Strike Map Pack For Xbox-360?
how much is it....where do i get the map pack...will it be like on the xbox dashboard and say something like "Download Now" or will be on a card you bye
Can I remove a collection from my credit report?
I have a question about a collection account on my credit report. When I was 17 years old, I had a checking account under my mother's name. I eventually opened my own checking account at a different bank. Apparently, the account under my mothers name had over drafted like $1.35 or something small like that. I was unaware of this. I had turned the card over to my mother, told her I want to close my account, and was no longer using the account when this happened. Because of fees, this became a huge amount of $172 for the $1.35 over draft. Because I had no knowledge of this, the account was turned over to a collection agency. This was in 2007-2008. I've been very responsible with my credit and my score was around 725. This collection just showed up out of nowhere on my credit report in July of 2010 and now my score is a horrible 640. It states, "account seriously past due date/account assigned to attorney." My question is, can I dispute this? I was under 18 when I started the account in the first place. It was under my mother's name. I had no knowledge of the overdraft because my mother, who has horrible credit, didn't think to inform me. Thanks for any advice.
How can i buy food in bulk in the uk?
Individuals can join Macro or Costco if they work in certain professions like the NHS, Police, fire service or civil service. Apparently you need to take in 3 payslips. Perhaps you or another householder does. See their website for more info. Also if it is just for you, remember that a lot of food loses quality over time, even stuff like Rice and pasta, so you may not really benefit from buying in large quanties. I buy stuff at Booker (for a catering business) but don't really find it cheaper than say Aldi, it just comes in handy larger quantities.
Driving with a suspended license in Georgia?
I have yet to see a violator in my own jurisdiction go to jail for driving on a suspended license. I think you'll be fine!
How do I approach with my ex girlfriend paying back $400 she owes me?
I lent her $400 to pay off her credit card debt. Anyway we broke up about a month ago and she was supposed to pay me back but never did. I need the money as I'm working a temp job that's about to end in 2 weeks. I don't want to talk to her as I know she'll guilt trip me about asking her for the money back and probably won't end up paying me back anyway. But she owes it to me and she's the one that wronged me in the relationship (she cheated on me), the least she could do is give me the money back I LENT to her when I thought she was a good person.
Are tarot card readings real?
My husband and I had our cards read the other night.The lady gave some accurate information and then she said you will have two marriages... This has bother both of us since the reading I wanted to know of they are real or fake
Do I have a chance at going to medical school?
You have to worry about getting into an undergraduate university before you start worrying about med school!
Exciting Jobs???? Movie jobs, Video game design/testing, etc. i need help!?
Hi im gonna graduate soon and i need to know what im going to do. I don't want a normal day to day job, i want something in the movie business, video game business, or something like those. What kinda jobs are there? and what colleges possible would be good????
Money app for mac help?
I'm trying the free trial and i'm trying to add my credit card but when i do i can't do buy sell i can only do withdraw deposit but creditcard is buy sell
Cant put a phone number on verizon phone?
Ditch Verizon and buy straight talk?? It's the best!!!
Help! Can you have a felony and become a lawyer?
This sounds like a law question. You want to be a lawyer. Why ask us dumb-asses when you could do real law research? It's what you want to do the rest of your life.
Case made it to attorney general,but... ?
My husband was discriminated against at his place of employment for years.After standing up for himself and also after taking a matter to small claims court at the suggestion of his union he recieved more harassment.He did win the case.The last incident that brings me to seek answers here on yahoo is this:Please if anyone can help me understand i would greatly appreciate your time and effort.This group of harrasers that the company is part of and aware of struck again!On a monday My husband was waiting to clock out at the time clock at the end of his evening shift,as the night shift came in to work and one of the night shift crew of this group approached him,yelling,cursing and carrying on and got into his face about a machine that he said was left a mess last friday night? that my husband had operated .My husband tried to talk but the guy went to walk away,this is where my husband messed up.Instead of letting him go he followed behind him and touched his shoulder trying to talk with him.Hours later him and his friends went and reported that my husband hit him.Nothing was said to my husband ,later in the week after reporting to work he was called into the office and fired,escorted out.He did get his job back after 2 weeks of pretty much fighting for it himself by making phone calls.We found out later that the union was not really fighting for his job,they just took the word of the company that they had investigated and interviewed everyone present but actually all they had done was interview the bullys friends and didnt even talk with any one that my husband had given names that were also witnesses.My husband called a few people and one co-worker even wrote a letter stating what he witnessed but the company didnt acknowledge it .The man who caused the incident was not even disciplend .Well to get to the point,we took the case to civil rights.they agreed that there was probable cause of discrimination.received right to sue,consulted with a lawyer for assistance but it is very costly so we do not contact him often and from what were told from the beginning,it is very hard to fight large corporations even though we are in the right and since he did get his job back.The case has been with the attorney general.We now are being told that the company is willing to pay the 2 weeks of lost wages from my husband being terminated,part of our lawyer fees.We are understanding that will get no punitive damages and if we choose to go ahead to trial,the judge can not punish the company in any way?? so my question is..why? why go through all of this to fight for ones rights if the company gets nothing out of fines,no punishment?We are not at all educated in the laws.We are now told that There are some things the judge may be able to order or maybe bargained for.At this point we want to be a major pain to this company ,meaning we want them to have to answer to someone. we want to better this place that this does not happen again and this place is cleaned up!So what do we ask for??? there is no security here,cars have been tampered with,tires flattend.there is poor this something that might be asked of the company? also maybe all management to take courses of work place harassment and discrimination?What should he ask for?? thank you
Is there an Estate if the decedent had nothing but insurance?
My Aunt was on Medicaid, in a nursing home, and died without a will. Now I find out there is a Group Insurance policy with no beneficiary. She is survived only by 2 nieces and 2 nephews. I have handled all of her affairs with Power of Attorney while she was alive but now have nothing in writing to allow me to take any action. What do I do?
Id James J Sanchez attorney at law die?
James J Sanchez was an attorney on West Ave in Fresno Ca. I know he passed away several years ago
What is a health profession that requires the least training?
CNA or any kind of technician can be done in less than a few years, and you'd still work with patients.
Seizure Minus the Warrant?
I think it would be best to do your own homework. But I'll give you a few hints. Question 1 is a no-brainer . . . police can always seize items of evidence in plain view. Whether or not it's admissible is a whole different issue, however. What you're going to want to look at is attorney-client privilege and fruit of the poisonous tree.
Small business Ideas?
Okay, so I'm not looking for a summer job or anything. My friend started a little busines, which she advertises on facebook, on which she sells hair bow accessories made of duct tape. it's just a small business where you can order cute handmade duct tape bows from her. I want to do something similar, but I don't want to copy her. I just think having a little business of my own would be fun, and the little extra cash i'd get, wouldn't be bad either. P.S. I'm not trying to compete with her, she REALLY is a good friend of mine.... i just have free time on my hands and I thought it would be fun.... any suggestions??
Do I have to register for my prepaid visa debit card for online purchases?
i bought one at walgreens. i tried to order some stuff online (not from ebay or amazon) but it said my order was cancelled. i did some research and said i have to register online and it will send me my real card. will they just send me my card in the mail? will they send multiple things to me?
Am I going to jail tonight?
I'm in Vegas for a few days. I'm 20. The date on my ID is messed up. You can't see it. So I was telling people I'm 24, and getting drinks until my drunken *** decided to gamble. I went to the counter to see if the lady can read my date of birth and she couldn't, but she was telling me how young I look and she was wondering how I got the alcohol and when she said that the security can probably read it, I took my I'd and left. What if she remembered my name? can they track my credit card purchases? Am I getting arrested tonight?
My green card was delayed 3 years can i apply now for my citizen?
I applied for my green card on 2004 and I received on 2010 ,Its delay than normal time about 3 years, its possible for me to apply next year for my citizenship?
My older cousin wrote me this letter to find out some legal information about his case can someone help him ?
How the Family and Kids? As for me, I'm good. Listen I was denied my appeal, but it was expected because they don't enter-act with prisoner who don't have outside support. I really need you to ask the Lawyers on the internet these questions and get them back to me as soon as possible. The way that I filed i paved a way straight to the Supreme Court, but I only get one shot and I have 90 from Jan. 18,2011, so time is of the essence.[ Questions; 1) What is a certiorari? ,2) Can I file it myself instead of my appointed attorney who never filed anything favorable on my behalf, or would it be best to let him file it and argue ineffective over the years since there's no assurity that I'll ever get another chance like this?,3)If someone was named as the remaining victim through F.B.I. Trace Unit Testing. His name is all through my documents from the test results,instead of the initial remaining victim, do I have the right to Confrontation Clauses even if I was not charged for him?, 4) Say this other guy named was covered in blood, that has never been tested, and when questioned about his fight he claimed never to have encountered with black males that night contrary to the test results from the F.B. I. Trace Unit who placed him on the scene through evidence found on him and the decedent how can I comfront that through certiorari? 5) If he was never mentioned in my trial at all even through his significant relevance how can go about it throught this certiorari?, 6)If a weapon was obtained and labeled as the murder weapon, irregardless of the test results from the F.B.I. Trace Unit that doesn't match either victim nor contains my fingerprints, how can it not be brought into trial and submitted as evidence favorable to the accussed?, 7) Can a witness draw what the weapon looked like, when the actually possess the weapon? , 8) If I have just found out about this new guy, through the Governments response to my 23-110 motion to vacate,set aside or correct a sentence or judgment pursuant to D.C. 23-110 , how can the Court of Appeals proceed before the outcome of that process and I never get the chance to argue the Actual Innocence evidence along with my direct appeals brief without it being a Contitutional Violation ?] Try to get the answers for me as soon as possible please I have 90 days. Love Ya Much,Me.
What should I major in?
I want to know everything about starting and running my own business. What should my major be? Thanks
Can I leave my PS2 on 24/7?
I want to play one of my games and I don't have a memory card, I'm probably gonna buy one later but right now I don't have the time to so I was thinking if I can leave it on? It's the slim so it's the small one.
Fired under false accusations of sexual harassment, any advice?
Sue the company. You'll probably get a settlement. free money.
What exactly will my probation be like?
I have a reckless driving charge and my attorney said I will get probation, have to complete forty hours of community service, and a 90 day license suspension. I was just wondering what exactly probation entails. Thanks! Oh, and this is my first offense.
If your in contempt of court, and your attorney won't contact you any way. Is it illeagal?
My brother is in jail and is mentally disabled. His attorney is making no effort to contact him. Is there anything he or I can do to speed this stuff up?
If I own a business, should I be allowed to make Knights of Columbus membership a condition of employment?
If you don't believe such an arrangement would be just, fair, or legal, please explain how it is any different to allow union membership to be a condition of employment in non Right to Work states. Both mandate membership in outside organizations. How is one OK and the other is not?
Where can I watch sundays at tiffany's online?
I've been trying to find it online but can't find one that doesn't require you to become a member or whatever (I already tried youtube). I even looked on t.v and on demand both were no good :( and we no longer have a blockbuster cuze they ran outta business over a year ago. Anyone know a good site?
What breed of horse should I breed my mare to?
An andalusion or fresian. Hanovarians can also be very muscular and amazing dressage horses. Holstiners also.
I Want to become a secret service agent, but im not sure what path i have to pursue?
im 26 years old, born in the United States but i was raised in Mexico, im an attorney, and from what i understand i have what you call a bachelors degree, i also want to become a lawyer in the United States but the secret service is my dream job, i was thinking of joining the national guard to become a Military police officer to get training and experience in order to get into the secret service. Another reason for joining the national guard is because i need money, im in a very bad money situation and i have to support my parents. Am i too old to join the army? what if im not picked by the secret service? at the end would be waste of time. so what career path do you think i have to pursue in order to become a secret service agent and continue with my career as a lawyer, that way if i dont make it to secret service i can continue with my first career as an attorney, should i keep studying to become an attorney in the united states and after that give it a try in the secret service? do you think joining the police reserve would be useful?. Im getting old and im stuck in this hole, PLEAAAAAASEEEEE HELP ME !!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Why won't your administration go after the criminals of the last administration?
All prosecutions are for something that happened in the past. You are complicit to their crimes if you don't go after them. If you say it will take up too much time, so what. The american people will respect you more for doing it, and you will cleaning up Washington in the process. We don't hear the name of our Attorney General at all. I've never seen him in front of the camera telling us he's going after anybody. Many crimes were committed during the last administration, like murder, treason, torchcure, to name a few, and nobody cares. It's business as usual. I believe that is a big reason many democrats didn't vote in the last election. Part of the change that was promised, was to prosecute those who broke the law in the last administration. The communications companies got a free pass on illegal wire tapping, and the Patriot Act took away our Habeas Corpus.The last administration made up their own rules as they pleased to suit their own needs, breaking the law every step of the way. Is this what we are to expect from our Government from now and forever, rampant disreguard for the law, and the fear that all our civil liberties will be taken away from us? We are being taken over by the corporations and nobody gives a damn.
Whats the difference between chequings and savings?
ur mom
Asking my parents to give me away at my wedding..?
How about, I'm about to walk down the aisle, and I want you to walk with me!
What do I need for a job?
If you have your social security number, that's all you need to start looking for a job. No one will ask for the actual card.
Which video card is better?
It's Really hard to tell, but i'd go with the GTX 470. it's got 320-bit memory interface, but the 6850 has 1120 processing units. i'd personally go with the GTX 470 because it has more memory, and im a Nvidia User.
What legal grounds does a medical company have if you owe them money and the Ins Co. sent you the check?
So 2 years ago I received a $12,000.00 check from my insurance company. I contacted them and they said it was from my surgery a year prior. I inquired on who the money belongs to (spoke to numerous people) and all they would tell me was a company from Fl. I offered to send the check back and they said no, they would just return it. So I deposited the check, held onto it almost a year...things happened, money was spent over this past year. I get a call now from the company that it is owed to (2 years later) and of course they want their money. I offered payment plans but they want it in 3 installments...I don't have it. They are of course throwing out the attorney word. What is the worst that can happen if I don't comply with the amount of money they are willing to accept? A judgement against me, on my credit record? What legal ramifications do they have?
What should i do in highschool to get into a good college?
Starting a successful business would look good.
How can I get a 7 year old credit card debt off my credit report?
I have not made a payment in 7 years and from what I understand the debt should be removed from your report, but who removes it?
Can a Prosecuting Attorney chose to Defend someone?
He cannot defend someone being prosecuted by the prosecuting attorney for whom he works. It is a conflict of interest.
Are Public defender/court appointed attorney's really that bad?
today i heard someone say that they are the bottom of the barrel. they don't care about their cases, and the only reason they work as a public defender is because no law firm will hire them. any truth to this?
What is your title if you work for the UN?
International employee.
Is it really ok to get a mail from your local public attorney's office with your name spelled out wrong?
coz i just recently received a mail from our local public attorney's office and worse is it got a stamp on it where the truth is it not valid if got some stamp on it right? just wondering...
Tax Question for Virginia?
can you claim a business loss with no profit untill after the first of this year on last years taxes? I started my business the first of December and did not receive my first payment until January. I have business expensives of starting the business that are for December of last year.
28 year old brother always using MY laptop and stuff?
Firstly, grow up. Secondly, man up and take the laptop back and stop whining about it,
I would like to know why "Working Class America" has been manipulated?
it really depends on how you use the word revolution. i do foresee something catastrophic happening in the world economy very soon not just our own.
Show me some awesome music!?
Christ, that's precise. Might I suggest King Crimson and Yes since you like Traffic?
How can i hide my piercings?
grown ur hair ,wear a hat, a bandaid, or pop ya collar !!
Index no for telecom xt mobile so i can change my sim card from voda to telecom?
In NZ only please
South Carolina woman charged with felony animal cruelty, saying she hanged her nephew's pit bull because...?
That's not really a question...
Should Asians be allowed to own dogs if they are in the food business?
Thats racist....not all Asians eat dog.
Any advise for NY state wife divorcing husband?
Have you filed for divorce? It sounds like you should go down to your local Legal Aid society to see if you meet the criteria for either pro-bono or sliding scale legal assistance. If both names are on the deed, then both owners must sign a realty contract. The attorney who assists you will be able to let you know based upon the duration of your marriage and other factors, whether or not you are entitled to rehabilitative alimony or a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) in the event that he has pension benefits from his job. If you learn that you have a legal right to put him out of the house pending the sale, while you move back in, have one of your GROWN SONS assist you in helping their father move out. They certainly don't seem to have been much help to you thus far.
How is it that this dumb white congressman can get an attorney for bullshyt but this Black woman cannot?
Just shows our society isn't perfect yet
What is networking and cisco?
I'm debating whether i should go to a vocational school to learn cisco, networking, and advanced networking. After high school I was hoping to be a business major. Can someone please explain to me exactly what networking is and if it would be relevant to my career?
Low Budget CPU upgrade?
I Want To upgrade from intel to AMD for light gaming - something that is cheap, but works for light gaming - all i need is a motherboard, processor, and graphics card - must be able to run on a 450W Power supply.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Help with a limited power of attorney?
My mother and I have a joint credit card account that is long past the statute of limitations for both being sued and for reporting and she is being harassed by collectors still. I already have all the information I need to dispute the debt, ask for validation and send a cease and desist, what I don't have is a power of attorney to represent her and make the collection agency deal with me only. I want to handle this for her and need her to sign a limited power of attorney so that I can do so. Can anyone tell me how it should be phrased? I live in Texas and she lives in Michigan.
Conservatives who love business development, what do you think of this global conservation act of 2010?
Totally against it.
How to put music on g2? using a USB cable?
i just purchased the G2 and now i want to put music FROM my LAPTOP to my phone ... i have the MICRO SD card already inside the phone BUT i have no clue how to put the music in.....F.Y.I i connected my phone with a usb cable to my laptop but i dont know what to do??HELPPPP PLEASEEE
As the impoverished mother is harshly punished, should the US richclass judge be heartily rewarded?
Not sure how you reached your lengthy conclusion but, the law is the law & examples are made all the time
8th grade history question?
If it says do you agree or disagree... it's an opinion question. You can't really get it wrong so give it your best shot!
I shoplifted, am I screwed?
I have been charged with retail theft (less than $25 worth of items) and lying to the police about my information (obstructing identity). I am 20 and I live in Illinois. Last night I was taken down to the station after getting caught shoplifting, and they charged me with those two misdemeanors. They told me that the bail bond for the offenses has been set at $1500. What does this mean exactly? I wasn't sent to jail or anything. I have court in a month. Does this mean I am going to jail if I plead guilty? I have never been charged with retail theft before, but have been arrested for a small misconduct back when I was 16. Other than that my record was clean until last night. I am very worried of what's going to happen, and currently I have no job and can't afford an attorney. And I do not want my parents to find out about this, because I will surely get kicked out of the house. I am very sorry and truly regret what I have done. I just want another chance. So please help me out here instead of saying you're stupid or something, b/c I understand what i did was very very stupid. Does anybody know what happens in the court? Is there like a jury or something present. I don't want to be humiliated in the courtroom for what I've done.
I need a capture card for xbox 360...?
Im looking for a 720p capture card that will work on xbox 360 and is compatible with vegas pro 10 (Its what i have on my computer) Possibly something under or around 100$ if possible
Coincidence that the first black president is also the first president who won't prove where he was born?
Neither the Congress, or the Attorney General is going to persue this, because it would result in revealing that a non-citizen was elected president. They would be almost forced to remove him from office, which would result in black riots all over the country. And there is the problem they face....race. Obama is black, and because they would be accused of "discrimination" (as always happens when a black is held to the same legal standards as everyone else), they are going to give him a pass on this. There would be unprecedented burning, looting and violence in every major city. They figure it's better to just ignore the truth, rather than have $10 billion in riot damage. So the powers that be are j going to stonewall any attempt to get at the real truth and prove it. They just want Obama to finish his sorry term, and quietly go away. But from now on, you can bet that every president will be made to prove he is a legitimate citizen. They are not going to let this happen again.
If the president produced the long form that the birthers are calling for do you think...?
Anything this president says is lies so i would not believe it
I really cannot afford an attorney....will the child support office...?
Get a lawyer. You are being penny wise and pound foolish if you do not do so.
What can I say to reassure we are going together so that I dont sound eager or doubtful?
So. its a long story but short I am supposedly going to ringdance with this boy that likes me. I like him too but im iffy about how I feel because he doesnt really tell me his feelings. So he was supposed to be going with me because he said yes then outa nowhere he says he has to tell the other girl he cant go with her. Now i hear from some associates (not friends they just wna b n my business) that he is supposed to be going with another girl other than me and the girl he was gna tell he cnt go. Now idk if he told the girl or not but right now I dont really care. I just want to b reassured that HE IS going with ME!. How can I ask him if we are still going together to ring dance without bringing in the two other girls, sounding doubtful or sounding eager??? thanks in advance. Please help me because this is bothering me. and I want to enjoy my 4 day weekend.
Who else believes that South Africa was run better under British and Dutch rule?
Africans are not adept at running their own affairs. South Africa is a prime example. Murder, corruption are rampant. This is why the Whites fled to Holland, Britain, Australia and America. The World Cup was a farce and did not show the World the real South Africa. I had no issue doing business with Apartheid South Africa, even made some nice profit off of it.
Can I settle credit card debt for less than I owe?
I owe Credit card $10K, they have agreed to settle for $3.5K, will this affect my credit score.
The attorney on TV says he can get my taxes reduced why are these people not paying all their taxes like we do?
The attorney on TV says we can get your taxes reduced if you are behind on your taxes, why are these people not paying their full amount of taxes like we do? This would give the government more money to make a difference with. Why is somebody not looking into this?
Is all refund been deposit this friday?
mine is saying the 28 but there saying 1 to 2 business days and last year i didn't have that problem
Can someone steal my identity with a scanned copy of my Birth Certificate?
It is amazing what these crooks can do. Per se your birth cert on its own means nothing, but you have given them quite a bit of other information as well. You have informed all the credit agencies and banks so that is a start. Keep a tight eye on all your accounts for the foreseeable future and learn a lesson from this.
I have two medical facilities cited in not following protocol?
One, Howard County General for not recognizing the fact my stepdaughter had no powers when it came to decision making for my estranged wife of six months ( my stepdaughter said she was power of attorney but the paper was left at home. She never brought it and Office of Health Care cited them after I complained. Gilchrist Hospice Care for going along with my stepdaughter and another woman for not letting me know my wife was at their facilty dying as well as other questionable decisions. How a 22 year old and a 37 were able to get around the Health Care Decisions Act which was created for this purpose when it came to who had say, you got me. What are my legal rights in this being I was still married to my wife at the time of her death and to add one other thing, I went to the state attorney and showed him the evidence I had accumulated and though it is a civil case, there is nothing but criminal in this. Do I have malpractice lawsuits for these facilities being negligent?
What are some good desktop tv tuners and capture cards?
Im not going to be buying them anytime really soon but i need to know what to look for in tv tuners and capture cards for my desktop, idk which is better PCI, PCIe or PCI 2.0x16 or whatever, the motherboard im getting supports all of them. i need to know what a good price is and what determines the quality as i have never bought any expansions like those, only sound and graphics cards. i want to be able to put in cable and or phono cables and be able to record tv and/or xbox and stuff with sound. thank you for any help. please provide links if possible.
How does FBLA help us/ prepare us for the business world?
Thinking about joining this club but what I wanna know is how it prepares us for the business world? Thanks!
Are there any attorneys from Oregon that could advise me?
about collecting on a small claims court judgment I won? I am out of the state so having the hardest time trying to collect. I am thinking about putting a lien on her home but need advice.
Self employment tax deduction question?
I am an independent contractor and work from home for another company and my job is 100% on the computer. So in 2009 I bought a laptop to work and some just told me that i could have deducted that as a work expense for the 2009 taxes but I didn't know...can I still deduct it from 2010 taxes or is it too late? What else can I deduct as a business expense working strictly at home and on the computer. Can I deduct any portion of rent, utilities or internet???
I Want to become a secret service agent, but im not sure what path i have to pursue?
im 26 years old, born in the United States but i was raised in Mexico, im an attorney, and from what i understand i have what you call a bachelors degree, i also want to become a lawyer in the United States but the secret service is my dream job, i was thinking of joining the national guard to become a Military police officer to get training and experience in order to get into the secret service. Another reason for joining the national guard is because i need money, im in a very bad money situation and i have to support my parents. Am i too old to join the army? what if im not picked by the secret service? at the end would be waste of time. so what career path do you think i have to pursue in order to become a secret service agent and continue with my career as a lawyer, that way if i dont make it to secret service i can continue with my first career as an attorney, should i keep studying to become an attorney in the united states and after that give it a try in the secret service? do you think joining the police reserve would be useful?. Im getting old and im stuck in this hole, PLEAAAAAASEEEEE HELP ME !!
Really love my boyfriend with all my heart but he wont make time to help me work this out?
We have been arguing lately about future stuff. He out of nowhere said he wants to hit a "freeze" button on our relationship and doesn't want to work on future plans yet.Which we haven't been together quite a year yet and we were just barely tossing around future "what ifs". He said he is freaking out and scared and now he is so busy at work so he says and wont make time for me. H owns his own business so I have no idea how busy he is but we live in the same town and I ha vent seen in but like three times this month! We communicate mainly on e-mails. I am so sad. I sent him like a really long e-mail saying I will let him go have his freedom if he wants it because I want him to be happy, I love him that much. He sent something back like Im busy and I cant deal with this right now, if i come see you i know you will want to talk about everything and i don't have hours to spend on this. I mean we need to have a resolution or we will never get better. If you dont have time for a girlfriend then what do I do? It upsets me so much and i even told him we can let things happen naturally. He just says well it will be years! What to do? I just want my boyfriend back.
Can I claim legal aid on someone's behalf when lasting power of attorney?
I have lasting power of attorney for my father who has alzheimers and need to get legal advice & maybe go to court for a case on his behalf. Can I claim legal aid as I cannot pay these costs myself?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
How to convince teachers to change my grade!? i need help from lawyers, future attorneys, and people who like?
ok so i took an online final exam and the internet messed up and ended up deleting 5 out of 60 of my answers so i got those answers wrong on the final exam. the teachers acknowledge the fault of the computer, but i am worried that they will simply take the grade out of 55 questions (omit the 5 missed ones) and give me a new grade. however, i still did poorly on the test and i want to retake it, so how can i convince them to let me take a new test? it just isnt fair if they do that because i know that i got those 5 questions right. if they count all 5 of those questions right that will be fair to me, but i want to convince them to let me retake it. how can i convince them to let me retake the test!????
What do you think? I cant make a decision?? I'm confused??? i need as many questions as i can get!?
Since i was 10 i wanted to be an actress and singer but famous and i always daydream about it etc. but now im 18, and im starting to doubt if i really want to be famous, or just do what i love because being famous is really hard, getting rfamous is even harder, and i dont really think ill make it because I really have almost no experience, I still can't sing or play an instrument good enough and if i really wanted it, i would have done something to get experience like plays etc already. Im now being more realistic and trying to give up on fame and just go to college, learn music and how to sing and be an indie artist and then earn money to put my own record label and other businesses and learn new things like art, etc and not have to worry about being famous and it cons. Do you think that I would be making the right choice of just letting that dream of being famous go???? Because everyday, fame seems to me like a piece of **** now, since the media only makes people famous cus of there looks, not talent. And anyways, we dont really get to take anything from here when we die, so i rather put my treasures in heaven. Im still confused though, i dont know what i want.
Should Boehner get a little bit of credit for helping the economy b/c he keeps Kleenex's business thriving?
I thought he was going to cry last night when Obama recognized Joe Biden and then Boehner. I'm guessing that the fake tan people are upset that he quit using their products.
Seperated General w/ honorable discharge - timeframe of reaponse from DRB?
Just sending out my DD 293 for an opprtunoty to upgrade my discharge with an attorneys assistance. Pretty sure I have four valid arguments in my favor, inequities and improprieties have been found in my discharge proceedings. How long is the wait generally before I can make a personal appearance in front of the board and plead my case from first sending the application? USAF.
Need your suggestions?
It may be factual, but it lacks humor or wit. Perhaps you could go with, "Dare to bare and show off those sexy shoulders."
I need a debt settlement net branches companies.?
Check out they do not have any fees and use attorneys in all 50 states. I have had no problem with them and their customer service is spot on. Hope this helps.
Why do panhandlers think that people really care about them?
its one thing to hold a sign but coming up to people on the street? they have no business. they probably know people don't care but some want to pressure people. they're not competent people.
Friend trying to involve me in fraud?
With Friends like that, you don't need enemies! Tell them to drop dead! That sort of thing is a class two felony! Do you want to sit in prison for the next 10 or 20 years? I will not tell you what to do except that you do not do it again. Your Lucky that security didn't spot your activity!
Grass cutting lien on home from county?
We bought our house in Osceola County Florida in 2009. The title was searched, and the title company assured me that everything was paid, and it was a clean title. For reasons I won't go in to here, we had to sell in 2010. When the title was searched for the new buyer, two things were found. outstanding electric bill for 2008 over $900.00, and a fine for the county cutting the grass in the amount of $250.00. It seems the grass was too long with the previous owners, and after notifying them, they didn't cut it, and the county had to. Both liens were on the house, not on the previous owners personally, for some odd reason. In order to close, we were responsible for paying these things. The title agency's attorneys got us out of paying the electric, but the county refused to release the grass cutting fine. We didn't want to cause problems or delays for the closing, so we agreed to pay the $250.00. Now that it is over, do I have any recourse? We didn't even own the house at the time of the grass cutting problem, nor were we even living in the state of Florida! Why should we be responsible for paying the previous owners fine?? I hope someone experienced in this can advise me. One more thing, I think that the title was clean when we purchased it, but the liens took place after we closed. That is why the first title company didn't find anything. Thanks
I need an easy way to compile word templates into a pdf. Any ideas?
Basically, I'm starting a business where I will be creating a pdf report for my client. I have several word templates, but will only use the ones I need based on the information my client provides. Eventually I plan to have a custom software program made, but to get started, I would like to minimize costs. Does anyone have any ideas?
Looking for information on a divorce?
my mother is in the middle of a divorce, and recently my father has introduced his new woman with his last name. It's possible that they managed to get married or that my mother got shafted and the divorce went through without her knowledge(but they both have attorneys in texas where they are legal residents). Who do I contact to find out this information and assuming there is an issue would they know the next people to take the next legal step to get things in order.
Should I be getting mad?
So my boyfriend has this friend. . she's a girl, and she dates my boyfriends best friend. Well the girl and my boyfriends best friend be having some rocky times. . like he's cheating on her, but ofcourse she doesnt know, and my boyfriend told me, abut he doesnt want me to say anything to her about it ...because its not "our" business. So since she is my baby's friend, I tried to befriend her, ya know? like since our boyfriends are so good of friends i guess it would be only right that we had some sort of relationship between us. Anyways, the problem i am having with her is she's TOO friendly & too comfortable. I found out from my boyfriend that she calls & texts him all the time , talking about her "issues" with her "boyfriend" who dont even much like her. and asking my baby if he could pick her up to go see her boyfriend and everything. I don't really think it's appropriate for her to be calling/texting him at all hours of the night like that's MY boyfriend, it ain't my fault if her boyfriend don't wanna talk to her. Also I dont like for her to be hanging around with my boyfriend so much like that . . they friends and thats all they should be. Me being a girl, im starting to think she's developing a crush on my boyfriend soo im trying to figure out what i should do. Should i tell her i dont like how she talks to him so late . . and always calling him and stuff . . or should i just pop off on the girl and hurt her feelings ? I'm starting to get irritated with this girl . .
Attorney and legal advice?
I was in a similar place last year. take a look at all the info on links third and eighth here;
Can someone steal my identity with a scanned copy of my Birth Certificate?
Yes, they can make a fake I.D. with your information.
I have a brother, whom i believe is an innocent man?
He was convicted beginning of last year, his Appointed attorney filed an appeal. I believe his attorney didn't fight like he was suppose to in the case, I want to state that he wouldn't investigate anything. He took all the evidence from the prosecuting attorney and he did not build a case on the evidence he had in hand, what can I do. well he filed the appeal its in appeals court its a rather lengthy process and my brothers kids are getting the brunt of it i think. they need counseling now and i fear there mother whom had a hand in his conviction is unfit. its a tangled web that cost to much money to get fixed, and hes innocent.
How long did it take for you to get your turbotax card?
because I still haven't gotten my and it has passed 10 days already. I called them and the reason for not receiving it yet is because they had the wrong shipping address. Only partial of my address was transferred from my turbotax info to the card application when ordered. They had to ship out another one and my refund will be dd'ed on 1/28th. They shipped out my card on Saturday, 1/22nd. According to the site I should get a letter with .20 oz from GA on a Tuesday with first class mail.
What is the supernatural existence of Synchro Monsters?
So for the entire game in the Yu-Gi-Oh! series has proven it's origins. But synchro monsters come in as some great importance. I mean there are cards that never given a supernatural origin, at those cards were never treated as being important in the tv series. Synchro gain there importance, but have no clear origin. Does anyone know they're supernatural origins in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. No answers that have nothing to do with the question or the will be reported. But if they do go right ahead.
Windows 7 not reading my sdhc card?
how do i get windows 7 to have a popup menu open when i put in my sdhc card?
Who helps Lebron wipe his bum when he's done doing his business on the toilet?
Dwayne Wade
Is it logical that a person would have been unable to ?
He doesn't release it because he knows it trolls racist idiots with paranoid tendencies.
How does work?
Yes you would still need notarized signatures for it to be valid.
When a hospital goes out of business what do they do with their records?
I need to order an old hospital record; however, the hospital went out of business about 10 yrs. ago. Where would this record have been sent to under these circumstances?
Looking for Fable 3 DONATIONS?
my problem isnt really a question. for anyone who beat Fable 3 already, looking for donations. My XBL gamertag is stegnr. will help with achievements and become business partners for those who donate. thx!
What is your favorite song at the moment?
brokeNCYDE - Da House Party
When will the united states hold China's feet to the fire in regards to all the counterfeiting, copyright inf?
ringements, and blatent theft of patents from our people and businesses.
Friday, March 4, 2011
What language should I use for programming websites?
html, php, css, mysql are going to be things you'll want to know, javascript is also something to consider.
What can I say to reassure we are going together so that I dont sound eager or doubtful?
So. its a long story but short I am supposedly going to ringdance with this boy that likes me. I like him too but im iffy about how I feel because he doesnt really tell me his feelings. So he was supposed to be going with me because he said yes then outa nowhere he says he has to tell the other girl he cant go with her. Now i hear from some associates (not friends they just wna b n my business) that he is supposed to be going with another girl other than me and the girl he was gna tell he cnt go. Now idk if he told the girl or not but right now I dont really care. I just want to b reassured that HE IS going with ME!. How can I ask him if we are still going together to ring dance without bringing in the two other girls, sounding doubtful or sounding eager??? thanks in advance. Please help me because this is bothering me. and I want to enjoy my 4 day weekend.
How do I file in criminal courts for back child support?
I am in Texas. I am needing to file suit for back child support with the courts (TAGO doesn't handle the criminal end), but I would like to do it without an attorney. Does anyone know what I would need to file and how to go about doing it myself?
Another teen that dislikes his parents rules. What to do please?
Well, 1st quarter I finished the class at 100 percent. But a lot of crap went on in the second. My OCD and ADD began acting up again, but I wouldn't tell anyone because they would punish me severely for it, even though they know it was serious, to where I went to therapy. Plus a lot of crap in personal life went on, and I finished with a 79 percent for second quarter. I got a 100 on the semester final, so I finished with an A for first semester, which is the only one that counts. But ,y parents said that when that report card comes back with a C for quarter, I will be grounded untill the end of summer (they will do it too, they did back in third grade). Well, I had two assignments that I turned in late at the beginig of this quarter, so they will be 50% (right now, since the teacher hasn't graded them, they are 0%). By the end of the week I, from other stuff, I will have an A again. But now, since they said I saw that coming last quarter, even though they forget that there were tons of home issues, they said if the assignments, regardless of my overall grade, are even 50%, I will stay grounded until 18 and have my stuff sold. From my sister, I know they will hold to this as well. I really am putting my foot down and trying now, but those will NEVER be higher than 50% because they were late. So I'm screwed. And this is a class that is both honors, and a class that I am not supposed to take until next year. It's not a cakewalk. I don't know what to do now though.
I have a small business. My revenue for 2010 was $150K. After deduction, it becomes $103K.?
How much taxes ( in total for federal and state) I will end up paying? How do they calculate it? What is the percentage based on this bracket? This is in the state of CA.
How much of a hit do you take when running dual card 1-16x and 1 8x?
Maybe 1-2%. No card out there now will fully saturate an 8x slot.
Who do I contact at the DMV in California about credit card fraud?
Last month I went into the local DMV to renew by car tags. When I gave the clerk my credit card she swiped it in one device and swiped it in a second one and said "that things been messing up all day". The other day I was contacted by my bank about fraudulant activity. I pin point it back to the DMV clerk.
Graphics card help!!!!?
Either one of the Processors will work great, and the graphics card is pretty legit. 6 GB ram not to shabby. Don't worry about it not working, because it undoubtedly will work. What is your concern? Both will work just fine. Good for medium to High graphics. I have an AMD Athlon X2 @ 3.10Ghz, but an integrated graphics card. You have a dedicated graphics card. Don't sweat it. You might be able to play on Extreme settings, just depends if you have enough RAM. My computer can handle Medium at about 32 FPS. Good Luck!
Accounting Principle?
Some businesses do not have a formal accounting system - yet they have been operational for years. How is this possible?
Finding Father in Nursing Home?
My Father had a stroke several years ago, while I was busy handling all his affairs (obtained SSA, got placement in VA facility which specializes in Stroke patients, cleared out his home and put everything in storage, shut off and cleared up all his bills), his 21 year old, spoiled, selfish, snot nosed Son (my half brother) with the assistance of his Mother, by Fathers EX wife, obtained Power of Attorney behind my back, by accusing me of stealing (my Father owned nothing) and attempted to have me arrested, and was awarded full custody of my Dad. I had a nervous (emotional) breakdown, and was lead to believe my Father had passed. I just found out he is alive, in a nursing or convelecent home, I just dont know how to find him. I have a general idea which city. any suggestions?
Attorney needed. which law practice handles this case?
Thanks for checking me out. Ok so my brother drove his car into this guy's motorcycle injuring the rider's passenger. Both the rider and my brother didn't have insurance. The state (FL) charged him with a high penalty for not having insurance which he can't pay. With all this said, does anybody know what kind of attorney he would need? Car accident attorneys can't help because he or the bike rider didn't have insurance.
What happens if a breathalyzer isn't submitted in court?
It has been a month now and my attorney says that a breathalyzer has not been submitted and we go to court in a week. What happens if they don't submit it? The attorney says it is good in our defense.
Is this a good cover letter?
Way too much information for a cover letter. The purpose of the CL is to say briefly what job you are seeking and summarize your experience. The rest of the info would be in your resume. No need to bring religion or politics into the mix either. You want to be judged by your accomplishments, not your beliefs.
What should you include on a dog walking business poster?
dog food
I have a low wireless signal with a 802.11n?
ok so i recently got a BR6226N Edimax Router, this supports 802.11N and i have an Asus PCE-N13 802.11 b/g/n Wireless PCI-Express Adapter. I cant get good connection to the router even though i am about 10-15 meters away, its through 2 walls one is brick but there is a window next to it, i have no clue why i have bad connection! do i need to change some settings or something on the router or on the wireless card? with the wireless card it was previously connected to a 802.11g so could some settings be in place?
What kinds of companies and businesses would most likely sponsor me?
You could try car dealers, possibly restaurants, especially restaurants/businesses owned by one person instead of a chain, etc.
Home staging design business?
If you are starting a home staging interior design business, do you need furniture before starting? Or do you need clients first?
If I own a business, should I be allowed to make Knights of Columbus membership a condition of employment?
If you don't believe such an arrangement would be just, fair, or legal, please explain how it is any different to allow union membership to be a condition of employment in non Right to Work states. Both mandate membership in outside organizations. How is one OK and the other is not?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Where Can I Find Demographical Voting Information?
You could try the 2010 Census but I am not sure it is broken down to that level.
I need new music! Help me out please?
Stick with "Abbey Road" by The Beatles, and you'll be good to go.
When my online wells fargo account says I have $700 in available credit, what the hell does that mean?
Hey everyone, I know I'm probably gonna get a bunch of spam answers but trying never hurts. I know nothing of banks, I've never had an account until I was forced to by my University, unless I couldnt eat at the school cafeteria. So I gave in. I was looking at my online wells fargo account and it said I had $700 in "available credit", I asked my roomate what it was and he told me it was basically $700 that I can use on my card? Which I think is bullshit, cause I cant see a bank GIVING people $700 for FREE. What does this mean?
Does anyone know where online I can find an answer for a legal question ?
Hello I have a legal question I need to get advice about. it's due to a garnsihment that was sent to my workplace. I don't understand where it means garnishee refused to sign a reciept acknowding the summons.? although ive tried to work with this company,they have refused my payments because they said I wasnt paying enough. admitted I do owe it. but ive been slow paying it. and cannot afford 400. per month as they want. outrageous. but I would like to know if there is a place online I can go to and get some kind of legal advice. Ive called attorneys here they all want 150.00 just to answer one question. again I cannot afford that either. so if you know any options please let me know.. I will be the one to give the points to your answers. not the community to decide sorry for any mistypes. I have a bad hand right now and can barely type thank you in advance.
Can anyone name an uplifting Martin Scorsese movie?
Scorsese doesn't do "uplifting".
Can somebody get me in an mw2 10th prestige lobby?
I will give them a 48 hour trial card.
Was this clearly job discrimination (I'am pregnant)?
They didn't is THEIR requirement. Not even close to discrimination. Move on. Maybe that attitude is what kept you from being hired.
Work place laws for non-employees?
As the landlord he probably has access to the property per the lease. That said if he is doing something dangerous a call to the police with a explanation will probably handle it.
Which is more important to play the sims3?
So I need both RAM and a Video Card for my PC in order for it to be compatible to the sims 3. Right now, the game runs ok except its a little slow and it shuts down without warning. If I could only buy one, which one would be the better choice. Is the RAM or graphics card more important?
Which shoes would look better on a darker skinned girl?
The middle ones- the white ones, because they will pop out against your skin!
Is Jesse Ventura doing the right thing by suing TSA agents?
yes, and everyone who gets manhandled by these thugs should do the same
If we are a country of laws, why won't the Attorney General file charges against George W. Bush?
Waterboarding is a crime, both Internationally and within the U.S. Bush and Cheney admitted they approved the violation of Geneva Conventions, so why haven't they been charged?
How can you not smile for your ID card?
The photographer always tells me to smile. But I hate smiling. They'd force me to smile. How can I keep a straight face?
What's a good way for me to start saving money fast?
I don't get allowance.I want to start my own business!Not like a real one that you need to have patented and all that good stuff!More like a business for a young kid, age 12-13 kinda job.I wanted to do something worth my while too.I'm saving up for a DSi, a nintendo game system.It's so cool.You can take pics and send messages!I want it so bad!I also want a kitten and a iphone too!If I get a small job that requires responsibility, my mom will probably let me get a cat or an iphone!YAY!
Would this double major combination be good?
Computer Science and one of the focuses from Business Administration (•Accounting •International Business and Economics •Management or •Marketing )
Question on law (Legal Advice)?
I had the exact same problem a while back. Play it safe by go through first and seventh links over on
Isnt this a cute idea?! Or isn't it?
that seems quite nice. just make sure you tell him laterr it was you
How do I know if this guy at the store was flirting with me?
Ok so I went to an electronics store the other day to replace my cell phone charger than had broken the other day. I had this warranty thing where I could just replace it. First off, the employee there asked my age in a jokingly way. Then we began to talk more while we waited for the warranty to go through. We talked more and it was very easy to talk to each other. We even play fought over my driver's license and touched each others hand. In all we talked about 20 minutes. He also mentioned something about buying a cell phone but he was joking, and I quickly told him that I wasn't interested in buying one. Later on before I left, he gave me the store business card and wrote his number down saying, "Call me if you need anything."
Custody and child support help PLEASE?
I took my child's father to court for child support after almost 3 years and when we first went he surprised me with an attorney and I got intimidated and settled for a small amount then I went back the next month for an increase and I filed for custody and I received a paper saying he filed for custody also and he said my house is unsafe and unstable(I live with my dad who makes a crap load of money being a cop,how much more safe and stable can she get? ) I work,ive never been arrested,i dont do drugs and i take great care of my child and every one knows that. I think its crazy that all of a sudden when he has to pay more money he tries to file for custody won't the judge see right through that and know that he's only doing it so he doesn't have to pay?
Is yugioh card popularity fading or is it still rising?
where have you been for the past 3 years? it's BEEN fading, it's almost gone now
Need some opinions and advise please?
I got a + opk on the 23rd. My partner and i bd early morning 24th, he has now had to go away on business so havent been able to bd anymore. Is there still any chance of conception? makes me want to cry to think we could have missed our chance this cycle
'Daddy, daddy they took mommy!' 'Who took mommy?' '?
pros and cons of the business how much can u make.
Is it legal to have a business that only allows women?
just wondering for instance would it even be legal to have a nightclub that only allows women?
What are a young father's rights in Texas?
My little brother is 18 and his girlfriend is 17yrs. old. He got her pregnant while living in Houston. Since the beginning of the pregnancy our family was supportive and wanted to be a part of the baby's life. The girls mom on the other hand has kept my brother and us away from the baby. During her pregnancy they moved to El Paso. My brother is on the right track and graduated school and is enrolling in college soon. He also has a job and is looking for a full time higher paying job. The girl on the other hand doesn't. She lives with her mom, who is unemployed and lives with her sister and other family members. The baby and the girl sleep in a closet. The girl is very immature and posts pics of herself half naked and admits online to doing drugs and even considered suicide while pregnant. The mom does not allow my brother to call and speak with the girl to check up on the baby and instead is constantly asking for money. My brother instead sends what the baby needs. He has asked the girl to marry him im hopes she will move back to Houston but she says she can't. My brother was allowed to see the baby when she was born but only when her mom said it was ok. My brother did attempt to move to El Paso to be closer to his daughter but was unable to secure a job, place to stay or transportation. Reluctantly moving back to Houston where he has all the support of his family. We want to know want he can do to have more rights and make sure his daughter is safe and not sleeping in a closet. Does he have a chance? The girl turns 18 in May but there is fear the girl and mom might up and leave before then. What can he do as we don't have a lot of money for legal fees and attorneys. Thanks for any help and info.
Is this enough to get accepted to W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU?
So I have a 3.25 GPA but I didn't do to well on the SAT I got a 1370 with the writing. Can I still get admitted to the W. P. Carey School of Business at ASU?
Does the state of California allow durable power of attorney of personal trust?
Where can this information be found?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
What is the attitude of Arab men to manual labor?
I just got back from Dabi and it seems all the manual laborers are from the Indian subcontinent. I was also in Algeria and it seemed none of the men were working. Of course this could be a partial impression, but I am asking to understand cultural differences about work and would appreciate answers. I know that in Ghana the women run all businesses and men stay at home and do domestic work.
I'm self-employed and my spouse is self-employed. How can we reduce SE tax?
We each earn about $110,000.00. Each file own Schedule C. We're in the same profession, optometry, but it is impossible to combine our two practices because her lease arrangement prohibits any association with a competitor. She rents a space in an optical chain, I have a stand alone business. If we were one business, I think we'd pay much less of the social security component of the self employment tax.
How do I fix a corrupt mailbox on my website's cPanel?
I'm hosting a reseller to help some friends with hosting I for whatever reason I started using a 2nd account with my websites domain for my personal business, when I went to retrieve an e-mail I got an error saying it was corrupt...I tried all of the options that the root admin had installed (ie: roundcube, horde, and squirrel mail) with no luck...what can I do to retrieve them?
What is the name of the business who sends the coupon envelope to my house?
There is usually a coupon for hakim optical some window and siding. I would like to contact that company for information or to ad my coupon to the envelope but i don't have mine any more. can some one shoot me the number or the website for this ontario company. thanks.
Which major will best with business administration-accounting? Double major or minor?
I was thinking to do communication or computer science or economic with business administration?
My memory card shows "No Card" on my camera.?
But it works perfectly fine on my computer, every time I put it in my computer it works but on my camera it shows up as "No Card." I have a Canon Rebel XS. My computers a mac and i've tried going to disk utility to try to format and still nothing. What can I do?
How to spank my children?
Make them spank each other with their pants off
Constant pay changes?
I worked for my employer for 4+ years. In that time he changed my rate of pay multiple times. 10+. He felt he was paying me too much for the job I was performing. He always paid me a base, then a Bonus on top of it. He would always make the Bonus plan to where he felt I could not reach it. When I did reach it, after a couple of months of hitting the bonus, he would change it again and either reduce the Bonus, or reduce the base. Most payday's I would have to spend several hours out of the day explaining what I had done to earn the bonus, and how I did it within the companies guide lines to reach the bonus because if I did not, they would just not pay me for it. It was a weekly battle with them to get them to pay me for what I had done and they came up with multiple excuses as to why they should not pay me correctly. They gave me a written contract in 2008, then changed it multiple times over the next few months, claiming they could because of a clause they wrote into stating they and I have the write to change it at anytime. The contract was not a professional contract, they wrote it off the cuff and was not reviewed by any attorney ever. Finally they stopped giving me a written contract and would just change the way they would pay me at there convince. I always told him how much I needed to live on from day 1, and they agreed to it, but they always tried to make it less for what ever the reason might be. This past year they made the base the lowest it ever was and reduced the bonus to a point where I could not support my family. I was forced to quit to find other suitable employment. I was never written up for poor performance, suspended or reprimanded in any sort of way. When I asked about the most recent change, I was told by the manager, " it's my job to find ways to not pay you and to put money into the company and the owners pocket". That was when I realized it was time to leave the company. Do I have any recourse towards the company?
Possession charge in West Virginia.?
Unless you are in jail awaiting your court date, you do not need bail. Bail is to guarantee your appearance in court after you have been arrested and charged for a crime. If you are sent to jail as a sentence, you can not bail yourself out of that. Your prior record will be taken into consideration during any sentencing. If you already entered some kind of disposition agreement then typically that is what the court will follow, provided you stay out of trouble.
Will Obama try to use his attorney general to put injunction on a new wave of anti-immigration state laws?
More than half the states are considering implementing stricter measures to start taking strong action against the illegals that Obama refuses to deal with as president.
Xbox error code 801613FB?
I just got a 3 month prepaid code of gold membership and I keeps popping up the the above error code. First I enter the code and it recognizes that its a 3 month card and then i hit redeem now. It comes up with the message that reads: ""Cant retrieve information from Xbox LIVE. Please try again later. Status code: 801613FB. I looked it up on and it said that i should wait 24 hours, do it again and if it happens again take it back to have it activated. This is about the third time ive tried it and i dont know if i can go back to get it activated because it was a late christmas gift. Is there another solution or should i try getting it activated?
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